Monday, December 30, 2013

Baby Update - 20 weeks. Boy or Girl?!


We're officially half way there!

We had our 20 week ultrasound today.

At first we were planning on waiting to find out the gender.
Then we decided to have the ultrasound tech write it down, and seal it in an envelope for a gender reveal party.
And when we woke up today, we laughed and said "yeah right!" We want to know what this baby is! :)

Here's our little babe!

Hello, sweet little! We can't wait to see your precious face in person.

 And yep! That's the side profile proof that we're having a boy! Yipee!

I'm not going to lie. Part of me wanted to have another girl so we could have sisters close in age. I always wanted a sister. But I am SO excited this baby is a boy. We've secretly been calling it "little guy" all along. We both just had the feeling it was a boy.

So at 20 weeks and 1 day....

-Definitely carrying low, like I did with Sophia. Boo. Guess I just carry them low!
-Also feeling huge for 20 weeks! 
-Feeling mostly great.
-Have been having braxton hicks contractions since about 15-16 weeks. No fun.
-No weight gain.
-Belly button has popped out. Didn't take much though since I had an outie to begin with. ;)
-No stretch marks.
-No food aversions. Yay!
-All is well with baby and mama.

Although I wasn't too concerned, it's nice having the peace of mind that everything is growing exactly how it should be. Today, the ultrasound technician thoroughly examined the placenta since I had an abnormality with Sophia, and it looks great. Phew!

We are so excited for baby brother!

Family photo saying "baby brother!!!"

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Baby Update - 15 Weeks

Hello second trimester!

Seems like things are slowly getting back to normal. It's nice. :)

Today, I am 15 weeks and 4 days along. Baby is the size of an apple and about 4 inches long, crown to rump

Here is a picture of the official "baby bump." I snapped it to send to Aaron the other morning after waking up realizing I'm not bloated, and it's not a food baby. ;) There really is a little babe in there. Still hard to believe! I feel like I've looked like this for a few weeks now, but it's gone down and come back until about a week ago, and is now here to stay!

We had another prenatal appointment yesterday and all is well. We also talked a lot about natural birth, which I'm planning on, and starting my birth plan. Exciting!

So at 15 weeks 4 days...

No more nausea. Yaaahooooooo!!!!
Ok, maybe a little. But it's rare and random.
More energy and staying up past 9:00PM.
Eating is starting to get easier.
No weight gain.
So emotional. Poor Sophia. She just doesn't understand "happy tears."
Eczema is gone (those pesky dry red patches I had).
Feeling much more ligament pain. Especially if I move a certain way too fast.
Also feeling the baby!

Call me crazy, but I've been feeling the baby for a few weeks now. It's amazing! And SO much different than when I was pregnant with Sophia. I remember feeling tiny, distinct kicks at 17 weeks 5 days with Soph. They felt like bubbles popping.

But this time, I've been feeling a slow, rolling/tumbling sensation really low. And no, it's not gas. ;) I've mostly been feeling it when I'm perfectly still and quiet, usually at night. But the past few days I've been feeling movment throughout the day quite often. As a matter of fact, I feel it right now. Hello, baby Byrd!

No "kicks" though, just movement. Hard to describe, but it's the baby! It's amazing how much more in tune I am with my body during this second pregnancy.

...Or maybe this baby just has Aaron's long legs and has needed to do some serious stretching in there. ;)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sophia Byrd/Reynolds and Vasquez!

Trying to think of how I want to start this post...

So many different things are coming to mind.

But the thing I can't stop thinking most, is "wow, my God is good."

I am so thankful for the way the Lord has worked in my life over the last few years.

Exactly three years ago(three years ago yesterday!), my dad and I had taken a trip to Dallas to talk with admissions, tour the Art Institute of Dallas and check out an apartment complex near the school.

I started sewing when I was sixteen and developed a strong passion for it in 2010. That year I had made and sold countless bags and purses, along with exploring clothing and a few other little projects. I would spend hours and hours at my desk listening to weird music, sewing my little heart out. I was certain designing/sewing was my calling, decided to go for it, and start school in the June quarter.

Aaron and I had also dated that year, but as right as we felt for each other, something wasn't "right" in our relationship, and we broke up around the time I went to visit the Art Institute. Now realizing what wasn't right was the fact that we hadn't put God at the center of our relationship. Heck, we didn't even put God anywhere in our relationship!

I had also started working at Starbucks right before the holidays and made some new friends, one of those being Samuel Vasquez.

I won't go into details, but when you're lukewarm and just ready to get away from your life to start a new one, you don't care what you do.

At the end of January, Sammy and I found out I was pregnant with Sophia.

I'm amazed at how far we've all come since the pregnant-with-Sophia days.

Sammy was just asking for my honest opinion about him moving away from San Angelo and how I thought it'd affect his and Sophia's relationship. To my surprise, I answered without hesitation, only looking out of the best interest of both he and Sophia. He should stay. He wouldn't want to miss out on any part of her life if he could help it. And if he's not 100% on board with the idea of moving, he should stop entertaining it. At least for the time being. I told him some other stuff too, but that's the gist of it.

Looking back to before she was born and right after, I wanted nothing more than a do-over and couldn't stand the thought of Sammy being in our lives. In Sophia's life. (Sorry, Sammy! Don't feel that way any more!) I so easily could have told Sammy "Sure! You should move! It'll be fine!" But I feel like God's given me a tender heart for their relationship, and for that I am thankful. I am so thankful he's given me (and Aaron) understanding for Sammy's side of everything. Thankful that Sophia will always be able to be close to him.

Aaron and Sammy have been great from the beginning. My dad also played a huge part in helping with all of the drama. I on the other hand, took some work! I remember getting hot, sweaty, frustrated, crying, and getting monster headaches for days leading up to Sammy's visits with Sophie. But God is so good! And he has been softening my heart since she was born.

It's so hard when you're in a tough situation... So hard. I can't tell you how many tears I've cried over everything.

For the first year I just wanted to know why God would let something like this happen if Aaron and I were so close to getting it together.
-Why would he let me "ruin" my life and someone else's life when I wasn't going to marry them?
-Why couldn't I just have gone off to the Art Institute?
-Why do I have to feel this guilt, shame, and sadness every time I look at Sophia?
-How do I share my daughter with another family? What if there is a custody battle?!
-When will I ever really be "healed?" How do I get that?

And now, with happy tears in my eyes, I am able to answer all of those questions.

-Sophia brought Aaron and I back together and taught us to lean on God, and build our relationship with Him being first.
-Sammy, Aaron and I can all agree that Sophia is the best thing that has ever happened to all of us.
-My calling was not to design or sew, but to fully embrace motherhood and wifehood. To raise up my children to be mighty men and women of God.
-The guilt, shame, and sadness came from the enemy. This is my testimony! The enemy will not steal my joy.
-Sophia is SO loved. Many grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles! And Sammy has a great family. Never would I have thought that I'd be OK with Sophia staying over night or visiting Sammy's family in Kerrville... But after meeting his parents, I felt an immediate peace about it all. With both Aaron's and my parents divorced, I see it as such a blessing that Sophia gets to know Sammy's parents and how they've honored their vows despite their trials. Sammy is a thoughtful, fun, loving daddy and only wants the best for Sophie. We've never done anything "official" in terms of custody or child support, and I feel like that was probably the best decision we could have made. There is no pressure for anyone. We all just love Soph, and want the best for her, so we've done our best with each other. And it has paid off!
-Yes, my heart is completely healed. It took time. And prayer. And faith. And it happened, praise God!

I feel like Aaron and I work well with Sammy. We interact well. Actually, no it's not just interacting, we're friends! Ha. Who would have thought!?!
Sammy is very involved in Sophia's life.
He has different desires and dreams for Sophia than we do and I'm starting to realize how awesome that is. Her life will be filled with opportunity, support, and love!

I just feel like we're all in a really great place, and I give all the glory to God.

Here are some pictures from the Vasquez side of Sophia's family.

Sophia's Uncle Gabriel, Grandpa, Grandma, and Daddy Sammy. (Missing Uncle Rick and Uncle Keaton)

I talk with Sammy's mom occasionally and can easily tell that she is absolutely in love with Sophia. So sweet. Grandma and Grandpa often send cards and little gifts, and Sophia has had many weekend visits with daddy Sammy to Kerrville already. I always love getting to hear all the stories and see pictures from her time there. :)

Sophia always enjoys her time with her daddy! 

Growing up, I was a daddy's girl. After all, "I am precious to my daddy." Right, dad? :)

Sophia is just twice as lucky!
She has two daddies to wrap around her fingers. ;)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Baby Update - 11 Weeks

I cannot believe it is almost November.


We had our 11 week baby appointment yesterday. Talk about an emotional visit!

Last week, Wednesday to be exact, the worst of my pregnancy symptoms dramatically decreased. The afternoons have been bad, and evenings/nights were terrible (still kind of are). So nauseous/tired/faint/weak. Anyway, last Wednesday I went to bed feeling mostly normal and didn't even take a Zofran for morning sickness. Whoa! Not proud that I was taking this... But hey, you do what you gotta do. Still going to bed "morning sickness" free! Mostly.

I started to get a little worried.... What if something happened to the baby? What if it wasn't progressing? I'm a worrier. So when I all of the sudden start feeling better too early, I can't help but think the worst.

When we finally get called back to see the doctor, I express my concern with not feeling as pregnant the past week, and my doctor pulls out the doppler to reassure us that the baby is fine. Except she couldn't find a heart beat. Talk about a long few minutes! Then she decided we'd do an sonogram to see what's going on.  Then we waited another few minutes while waiting for the ultrasound room. Talk about another long few minutes!!! I told Aaron I felt like I already prepared myself for this and he said we don't know for sure yet, and gave me a hug and prayed over us and the baby.

And then we saw our sweet baby. Kicking, stretching, and rolling around in there. And the tears came. Guess our little babe was just in hiding and was REALLY low. Which is all fine and normal.

We're 11 weeks 3 days. I don't even remember the heartbeat because everything was a blur after seeing our little baby wiggling around. But the heartbeat was good! Wish we could have gotten a better picture, but we were in there for such a short amount of time. It's definitely a little person though. Little legs and arms. Amazing.

Once we got in the car, we sat there for a minute hugging and crying.


At 11 weeks 3 days

-Nausea mostly gone. Comes and goes, but not bad.
-Have some red/pink dry patches popping up on my back/abdomen/legs. Weird. But can be normal. I guess anything goes during pregnancy!
-No baby bump but am certainly bloated, feeling bigger and wearing the crap outa my yoga pants. ;)
-No weight gain. Lost a few lbs.
-Still can't handle bad smells. Ew...
-Heartburn is gone!
-Uncomfortable when laying on my stomach.
-Pregnancy insomnia still in full swing!
-Feeling sick/faint at night.
-Sophia is officially weaned from breastfeeding. It's been about three weeks. Bittersweet.
-Made dinner last night for the first time in six weeks. Starting to get back in the kitchen!
-Slowly making my way out of the house. Feels so good to be back in the real world.
-I've also started to get emotional. Of course, I've had my melt downs during this first trimester, but now we're getting into the random, happy-cry emotions. Mostly when I look at Aaron or Sophia. Just feeling blessed and excited.

Sophia is starting to understand the baby news. Although, she also thinks she has a baby in her belly. And says that daddy does, too. :)

Now that the morning sickness has mostly gone, I'm finding myself thinking "wow... that did go by pretty fast." Which is funny, because when it's happening, it's the LONGEST time of your life. Never ending! But it does. And it did. And now I feel even more excited about this baby Byrd. :)

Halloween 2013

With every passing day, I'm finding myself falling even more in love with our sweet Sophia. No matter how crazy she may drive me!! ;)

I always knew I'd love motherhood, and love my children, but I never could have imagined it'd be this sweet. Can't wait for #2 to be here.

Maybe that's the hormones talking.... Or that fact that I've barely left the house that past month and a half... But seriously. I love my sweet girl. I love watching her live.

Last night we went to the Halloween shin dig at the YMCA. 

If I would have known the cuteness that was going to happen as soon as we walked into the gym, I would have had the camera rolling.

Sophia was literally shrieking, squealing, and giggling with glee upon seeing all the games, booths, people, costumes, and music. It was way too adorable for words. 

Sophia's grandparent's in Kerrville sent this cute bumble bee costume a few weeks ago and Sophia loved it! "Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa!!" 

I'm still impressed with how well Sophie listened to mommy and daddy last night. Maybe all the people made her nervous, but she never really tried to let go of our hands and listened to each instruction for how to "play" the games. She did awesome! I guess the fact that there was a piece of candy waiting for her after each game helped, too. ;)

It was a great night!

Growing up, we never really celebrated Halloween. Instead we went to Light Night at our church. Same concept (games, booths, candy), just celebrating Jesus at the light of the world instead of the traditional scary Halloween stuff.

Now that we have Sophia and another on the way, I say it's time to get Light Night started up again! Sooooo, whose with me!? We've got a year to plan! 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

We're expecting!

This past month has been wonderfully terrible!

We found out we are expecting baby Byrd #2!

Doesn't Sophia look like such a big girl in this picture? Can't get over it!!

We found out really early, so it feels like it's been longer than it really has. Pfff, what am I saying? We still have about seven more long months to go! :)

But yes, it has been wonderfully terrible.

Wonderful because um, hello? Another baby Byrd. Yeah!

And when I say terrible, I'm talking about two little words...

Morning sickness. ACK!

I thought morning sickness was hard before, but boy was (am) I in for something else! How do women do it? Pregnant with a toddler. Hard work. It really feels like it's taking a village to raise Sophia right now. I am so thankful for our family for offering all of their help with Sophie.

For the past three weeks I've mostly been laying in bed or in Sophia's bed while she plays. Occasionally I'd come sit on the couch. We've been watching a lot of movies, TV shows, and cartoons. Sophia is loving it! Ha ha. Although, by the end of the day, she's going a bit stir crazy.

This nausea is debilitating! There have been a few times when I feel OK, then get worried that something is wrong with the pregnancy, but am quickly reminded that all must be well because the nausea has returned. ;)

The past few days I've actually been feeling a little bit better. Only nauseous on and off. Seems like it's picking up around noon and just goes downhill from there. Nights are terrible. But yes, the last few days, maybe about a week, the nausea has let up quite a bit. Which is totally, unexpectedly nice! But it came with a price. Heart burn. Didn't have that while pregnant with Sophie. Ouch. And a few other uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms that I will spare you from. ;)

Here's a little picture of our babe. Tiny little guy (or gal!).
Hello, baby Byrd. :)

Heart beat was 137 BPM then, and I'm about 8.5 weeks along now. Due 5-20-2014.

-I'm mostly feeling sick, and extremely tired and ready for bed by 8:00PM. Especially if I miss my nap!
-Absolutely no cravings.
-Hard to eat.
-Most food makes me gag.
-Most smells make me gag.
-Chewing gum seems to help.
-Very bloated.
-Can't stand shorts or pants that are too tight (too early for maternity wear?? I think not!) 
-Don't want ANYTHING to touch my stomach.
-Heart burn.

Aaron has been awesome! Taking on double parenting duties, even after a long days work. It's actually really adorable to see how much Sophia has taken to him lately. Everything is ALL about Daddy! So sweet.

I am already in awe all over again at the miracle a baby is and finding myself checking each day/week what is developing.

I am a little a lot nervous about this pregnancy. I was so sick with Sophia, and having her at 32 weeks, finding out I had a potentially fatal placenta abnormality (placenta circumvallate), makes me extremely nervous. 

We had originally wanted to use a midwife and possibly birth at home. I felt so sure that was the route I wanted to take, but after talking to my doctor (who had become a midwife since Sophia was born) I'm thinking we won't be doing that. We'll probably end up having to switch doctors to one that deals with high risk pregnancies and I'll have to do a few things different than I did while pregnant with Sophia.

I know people usually wait until after the first trimester to announce their big surprise, but how can I even keep this in?!? Too excited.

Plus, for those of you who have always said if we "ever need someone to watch Sophia" that you'd love to... I'll probably be taking you up on that offer soon! ;)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sophia is Two!

I'm been meaning to post about Sophie's 2nd birthday... I guess it's better late than never!

Sophia turned two on August 19th.

Where has time gone?

Aaron and I had decided to just have a little cake with Sophie, but at the last minute we invited all the family over. I'm SO glad we did, because Sophia was absolutely precious!

My favorite part of the whole day was watching Sophia sit in front of her cake, all lights off, smiling, looking at her glowing candles, while everyone sang Happy Birthday. What a sweet, sweet moment.

I wish I would have gotten some better pictures (don't I always? Someday I will have an awesome camera! Or just remember to take pictures!).

Sophia says "two" and holds up both pointers. Cute!

 Somewhere we have some videos of us singing Happy Birthday. Maybe on Aaron's or my mom's phone. I'll be looking so I can upload those, too.

I haven't done a very good job writing down Sophia's milestones or things she says and does at each age. It makes me a little sad. So I am going to start with "Two."

Two Years Old
-Wears 12-18 month bottoms, and 18-24 month tops
-Size 6 shoe.
-Is constantly talking. We can only understand about half of what she says, but every day we get a little bit closer to understanding it all. Bittersweet.
-Loves to dance.
-Loves all music.
-Yes ma'am is said "sep pam." I will be SO sad when she learns to say it the right way.
-Knows all the letters in the alphabet.
-Potty trained, but has regressed while I've been sick.
-Has a strange obsession with shoes. Hers, yours, mine, everyone's. Is always wearing and switching out shoes.
-Is entering the "mine" stage. Ugh..
-Great little eater!
-Has had a hard time learning to share.
-Also, a hard time learning patience.
-Says "Awe man" and "oh dear" all day, everyday.
-Needs "tisses" (kisses) on any and every bump or stratch (or "boose" aka, bruise).
-Has really taken to Aaron lately. It's adorable. Loves doing anything with daddy, and cries when he leaves for work.
-Always asks to use "daddy's paste" when brushing teeth.
-Is very sensitive to the way others are feeling.
-Asks for hugs when she sad or gets in trouble.
-Voluntarily goes to her room to pout and comes out happy when shes done.
-Loves Nana and Papa's houses. I think it's because of all their yummy "snee-acks" (snacks). Hah.
-Also loves babies and baby dolls. Seeing them, taking care of them, playing with them.
-Likes to run.
-Started showing off when people come to the house. Bringing them things, running fast, showing off her toys.
-Closes her eyes when I ask her to look at me and listen.
-Spits when she doesn't like what she's told to do or not do. Usually just the spit in her mouth, but sometimes water or food. Drives me nuts. Haven't found a way to get it under control.
-Always says "Luj You" (Love you) and showers us with kisses, hugs, and pats on the back.

Sometimes I catch myself saying she in the terrible twos, but I don't really think that. She is way too sweet to be terrible. ;)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Little Mama

Remember when I said I had started taking care of a little baby boy part time?  Let's just call him "Bubba." That's what we call him. Little bubba, bub, and bubby. 

Well ever since then, Sophia has taken a huge interest in babies. Especially lately. She wants to help with everything. It's adorable. 

So yesterday while she was with Sammy, I spent about an hour in Target debating on what to buy her. It was so much fun for me! We've only actually bought Sophia a few toys. Most everything has been given to us, or bought by other people, so I didn't feel the slightest bit guilty buying her something (and buying something so close to her birthday!).

I found a baby doll on sale and a doll diaper bag with some accessories. When I got home I pulled out a few of Sophia's preemie clothes (which fit the doll perfectly, by the way. Crazy!!) and found a few newborn diapers from our little bubba that no longer fit him. I also cut up some fabric for her doll wipes container. Not sure who is more excited about this... me or Sophia? ;)

She played with that baby all evening, and we spent a little over and hour first thing this morning, taking care of baby.

It has been a good reminder that she is watching and learning so much from me. I see her do and say things that I do with her and bubba. It makes my heart happy to see her being so sweet to her babies. :)

She says things like "I love you, baby," "shh, shh, shh," "aweeee," and plays patty cake with them.

She LOVES to use the wipes and change diapers over and over again.

She also likes to wrap, and unwrap the dolls in their baby blanket. I plan on making a few more baby blankets with my extra fabric. And for her birthday I'm going to make a baby carrier like the Ergo carrier Aaron and I wear Sophia in. But shhhh, don't tell her. ;)

What a sweet, fun age she is in. Ahh, I love it!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Moon Sand

It's been way too long since I sat down and purposefully did something fun with/for Sophia. 

Last night I was scrolling through Instagram pictures and I came across one that had the tag "sensory play." It reminded me how much Sophia and I enjoyed playing and learning together. I used to be so good about making up little boxes for her to explore... 

Lately, I've been so obsessed with lists, planning and scheduling our lives, organizing, purging old stuff, frugality, minimizing, food/menus, and homemade stuff, that I've forgotten to slow down and just play with Sophie.

So today we made moon sand. Super easy and SUPER FUN! There are a few different recipes online, but I decided to go with the flour and baby oil. Doesn't that sound incredibly soft? Well, it was. I couldn't stop playing with it.

We used one 5lb bag of flour and 20oz of baby oil. Then just mixed it together with our hands in a large container. 

Sophie had a great time. And basically played non-stop for an hour and a half. That's eons in toddler time! 

Next time we'll probably do it outside, or on top of her little table so she won't end up caked in it. ;) But for today, it was awesome, messy fun, followed by a bath and a nice long nap. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

We got a puppy!

Well... We weren't really planning on getting a puppy, although we knew we would eventually... So when some friends of ours said they weren't quite ready for the puppy they got, we decided to take her off their hands. ;) 

Their kids had named her Honey Cutie Sweet Pea (or something along those lines), and instead of renaming her, we just stuck with Honey. She's too sweet! Like honey! And with her light color, it seemed fitting. 

She's a three month old, Great Pyrenees/Akbash/Anatolian Shepherd mix. Yep. She'll be giant. 

She is seriously the most chill puppy I've ever seen. It's kinda weird. She mostly sleeps and likes to be loved on. I wouldn't call her playful, but she does enjoy playing in Sophia's toys and with us a little. Definitely not as rambunctious as other puppies though. Can't complain! 

She's the cutest, fluffiest, softest little doggy ever.
And I have a feeling she and Sophia will be great friends. ;)

 We love her. <3

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Whoa, it's been a while!

Well, it's been a while since I've posted.
I've been wanting to blog about our cruise we took in March, but haven't made it over to my brother's house to get all the pictures. (Aaron lost his phone at the end of the cruise and it had all of our pictures. So sad.)

So until then, here's a little of what we've been up to!

I started a permanent babysitting job a few weeks ago. From now on I will be watching a sweet, tiny two month old little boy twice a week while his mama is at work. He is absolutely precious. Talk about having baby fever. Surprisingly, juggling Sophia and the baby has been much easier than I thought it would.

I think Sophie's independence has doubled in the few short weeks we've had the baby with us. Not only has she wanted to help with baby, but also with a lot of other things.

She loves to pat the baby and say " 's ok, baby. 's ok." She loves to give him his paci any time he makes a noise, get his diapers and wipes out for diaper changes, and likes to help hold his bottle. She also calls him "honey" and constantly says "hi baby." Adorable. We're working on whispering and not touching the baby's face, head, or hands. We'll get there!
Mixing up some biscuit dough.
Mashing some avocados for lunch.
She's even been given two chores. Dusting the TV stand, and holding the dust pan while mama sweeps. She loves it! I still need to make some sort of sticker chart though. Or maybe not? She doesn't seem to need any convincing to help out.
Loves climbing and exploring. But also requires a "hand" (if you could only hear her little voice ask for our hand.. CUTE) when walking.
She's also really into switching out her shoes (constantly. Maybe I should move them to a higher drawer...) and bringing us clothes she would like to wear. Here she is wearing her swim towel/dress and her winter tights. So fashionable. My mom says it's payback time for all my "outfits" and "hair styles" I had while growing up.Oh dear...
We've also been having major sharing issues. This picture says it all. Our good friends Tish and Josiah were in town this past month, so we got to spend a lot of time with them. It was great! We also found out that although Sophia knows how to ask to share, she does not like sharing with other little kids. Have to work on that too...

I wish I could say that sharing is our only problem, but I'm afraid we're really starting to enter the "terrible two's." I mean, I don't even know what to do most times! 

The screeching, squealing, screaming, running away from us, looking everywhere but our eyes when we ask her to look at us.The list could go on a on.
She has also started to push her limits (and ours). 
Like see how far she can lean off the couch before falling. 
Or standing on something before it tips. 
Or how far she can push her bowl off her tray before it spills.

This morning, she spilled her plate of eggs and ran away. Aaron asked her to come back and clean then up and she just stopped and looked at him. Then heard the music I had playing, and did all her best dance moves and jumps looking right at Aaron. We both had to cover our faces to laugh. this kind of stuff happens all the time. Maybe we're the ones who just need to learn how to handle/discipline her. Ha..
I also took on another small babysitting job. Just for three weeks though. It's been great for Sophia! We get to see this sweet little eight month old twice a week on the days we don't have the baby boy. But only for a couple hours.
Mom's birthday was last week. Love this picture. Sophie love hers Nana!
Speaking of Nana... My mom got Sophia this purse at a garage sale. It's her newest obsession.
And one more, because it's too cute not to remember. Breakfast on the porch this morning. Ha! I showed Aaron these pictures and his words were "well, she is her mother's daughter!" Not sure if he meant I have terrible morning hair, or I'm a terrible morning person... heh. Probably both.

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