Saturday, September 20, 2014

Aaron- Back to School

Oh, Aaron.
My sweet husband.

Aaron started back at school this fall semester pursuing a degree in computer science and I couldn't be more excited for him. After watching him read books about computers and certifications just for the sake of knowing, listening to him talk about "computer things" WAY over my head, and watching him build our computer along with helping a few friends and family build their computers, I know this is exactly what he should be doing. He's talented in this stuff. He understands it all. He should make this his career!

I can't tell you how impressed I've been by him. Between work and school, he's been averaging 10-12 hour days away from home Monday-Thursday, then coming home to work on homework. Friday he doesn't have any school so he's able to hang around in the morning a little before going to work. Then it's back to work Saturday mornings for lessons and/or to teach CPR classes.
Needless to say, he seems to be balancing home, work, and school with ease and the coolness that he is. ;)

I, on the other hand, feel like I'm just trying to keep my head above water. As a friend said, I am single-momming it. And yes, it definitely feels like I am.

Should I even be complaining about this?
I love staying at home with my babies!
I love it. I love it. I LOVE it.

But sometimes it can be so lonely. Especially since we only have one car. Lots of planning goes into each and every outing.
And it's stressful.
But so, so sweet.
And tiring...
But fun!

See my problem here? Heh.

We recently talked about putting Sophia in preschool. Miss Social. I think we're leaning towards buying a swing set/playground for the backyard instead. 

Hope for the mom who needs to breathe.
I started reading this book for a book group.
Not very far into it, but what I've read so far is leaving me feeling encouraged.

This and podcasts. They're my thing now. Yep. Podcasts. Where have I been?
Listening to it all.
Organizing, minimizing, homeschooling, disciplining, blogging, parenting. 
Keeps me company through meal making and dishes. 

I've also realized I've done us a disservice...
If only I would have known two years ago what I know now.
Stay at home moms need other mom friends. (Like more than two, in my case. Haha) And their children need play dates and activities outside of the house with other kids if they're not in preschool or daycare. I mean, we do play with other kids, go to the park, do fun things... But not enough.

So while Aaron is working hard with school and work, I've decided to work hard making more mom friends and Sophie friends, and make it a habit to plan fun outings to keep us busy. 

Anyway, I'm proud of Aaron.
And probably a little jealous.

Wait no, I love my job work mom life.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sophia Rae- 3 Years

Time is flying by! Sweet Sophia turned three two weeks ago.

I've been putting off a three year post because honestly, three is turning out to be much more challenging than I anticipated. The closer Sophia got to her third birthday, the more I felt like things were spiraling out of control. I know half of it is due to Silas coming and Sophia learning to adjust to all the changes, and I'm sure the other half is well... just being three years old, but WOW.

Hard times in the Byrd house lately. Hello, Tantrums! Who knew such a little person could scream and cry that loud for that long?! And the tantrums have brought a friend, Whining. It's incredible. I've always heard of the "terrible twos" but honestly, twos have nothing on the threes. Sophia really only has one major tantrum or melt down a day. But between the tantrums, whining, constant chatter, and Sophia venturing out into disobeying and talking back, I'm feeling pretty worn by her. My world has been rocked. You mean, sweet little toddlers won't always want to do everything their parents tell them to? ;) Ha ha. Seriously though, I've never felt more exhausted than I do now. Aaron and I recently had a long talk about discipline, and discussed it some with Sammy, and we've made some changes that we're already seeing fruit from. So that's good!

Anyway. Aside from all of that, Sophia is a very happy little girl. I love watching her turn into her own little person.

Favorite colors are pink, red, white
Frozen movie and soundtrack
Toy guitar
Dress up clothes and accessories
Back rubs at nap and bedtime
Baby Duck
Picking out her own clothes
Kiddie swimming pool
Dancing and gymnastics
Loving on Silas
Using scissors
Park or play place in the mall
Art Thursdays at the museum
Switching out clothes, socks, and shoes all day long
Helping with all household task while mama does them
Favorite foods are cheese, crackers, bread, pretty much anything white or brown

Getting her hair brushed
Sitting in booster seat at the table
Putting her face under water

Mispronounces and uses words:
wusterday- yesterday, meaning any time before the present time. Last night, last week, this morning.
else- if, as in "Else I take a nap, we can go to the park!"
suhgot- forgot
do's- does
Of course she also says and uses other words wrong all the time (like Loggin' Legos= Lincoln Logs, or rodeo-radio), but these are the regulars. I love it all so much that I don't want to correct her. :)

Can write her name/letters with a little help and knows the sounds of almost all the letters in the alphabet.
Wants to go to school.
Questioning everything.
Getting more into pretend play.
Does front rolls and can walk across a balance beam that is off the floor.
Constantly making up songs about what shes doing. "And I was doing it. And I was _____ (dancing, drawing, etc.), And I did!"
Potty trained during the day and nap but still wears a pull up to bed.
Her love language is definitely physical touch. She loves to be snuggled, cuddled, hugged, kissed on, or touching. When she's upset, sitting on our laps with hugs will calm her down the fastest.

Weighs 28lbs, 36" tall, is in the 25% all around, and is also very much ahead in her speech, but we already knew that. ;)
Wears size 2-3T and size 7.5 shoes.

Mornings are my most favorite times with her. I've always loved those first few hugs and snuggles of the day. The smile on her sleepy face when I tell her good morning. Her messy bed head. Her warm skin from being under the covers. Her jammies. Even her stinky morning breath! Ha! Maybe I appreciate the mornings more because we're actually challenged in our parenting now, and by bed time we're wiped. Mornings with Sophia are so sweet and clam. I love it. I love starting my day with her. And I guess I love ending my day with her, too! ;)

She is bright, eager to learn, energetic, curious, sensitive, friendly, and beautiful!

Happy 3rd birthday to you, Sophia Rae!
You are the most precious little girl in the whole world!

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