Monday, March 30, 2015

Silas- Already 10 months old!

Sweet bubba Si is already ten months old!
His first birthday is less than two months away. WHAT?!

I really meant to keep up with regular posts each month, or at least stick to every three months, but obviously that hasn't happened. I suppose he's doing all the regular baby things anyway. Hitting all the milestones within the normal range. Ha. I have to laugh at myself some writing that. It was all such a huge deal when Sophia was a baby. But I guess in a way it's kinda nice. We're just enjoying him so much. I seriously think every single thing he does is adorable. Even his little fits. :)

Silas was exclusively breastfed until six months when we had start introducing formula and fruits and vegetables. We found out we were pregnant that month and a few short weeks later my milk supply was completely gone. Like, Silas was having dry/dryish diapers. I had no idea I wouldn't be able to nurse through a pregnancy... more feelings on that later though. So we started him on formula. It was a bit of a rough transition since he'd only ever had a a handful of bottles. The formula really backed him up and we are still dealing with that some.

He was very slow to get the hang of eating food. He basically gagged or vomited every single time I offered anything. He'd maybe get down a bite or two. I tried all different consistencies and temperatures but nothing helped. It wasn't until he was in his eighth month that he finally got the hang of it. He also had trouble learning to use a sippy/straw cup. At first he did better with the straw, but that was short lived and we were back to buying more sippy cups to try.

At nine months he started feeding himself tiny bite sized pieces of whatever we're eating. I usually just keep out a portion that's unsalted for him or hold off on certain ingredients if I need to. Although, I will admit... I really do rely on those little squeeze pouches when we're out running around. Buying the organic pouches makes me feel somewhat less guilty about it... just a tiny bit.

10 Months
-Self weaning from the bottle. Takes an early morning bottle and always falls asleep right before he finishes his evening bottle. Sometimes he'll still take a bottle in the early afternoon if he's tired enough not to get up and play every two minutes.
-Eats three meals a day and we're starting to introduce snacks. Also starting to refuse pureed foods. (Bye bye squeeze packs...)
-Moans and hums the whole time he's eating. Sometimes, it's really really loud and we can barely have a conversation over it. Ha ha.
-Drinks from straw and sippy cups really well. Loves water.
-Size three diapers.
-Size 12-18 months clothes.
-Started wearing shoes, size 4.5.
-75% for height and 50% for weight.
-Has three teeth.
-LOVES bath time. Any time he hears the bath or shower going, you can guarantee Silas is there reaching his hand in the tub. It's only a matter of time before he falls in. During bath time, he squeals, laughs, and splashes. And I mean splashes!
-Knows the word "no" and grunts or growls when he's told "no no" and throws his head back while arching his back when he's removed from the "no no"
-Growls and roars throughout the day.
-Constantly clicking his tongue.
-Dances back and forth when he hears music.
-Waves "bye bye"
-Walks along the walls and furniture, and started standing without holding anything.
-Likes to pretend feed baby dolls and can do it himself.
-Thinks it's funny to do things we do. Like brushing our hair or teeth.
-Always wants to touch the printer.
-Sleeps in his crib until sometime in the early morning, then in our bed.
-Takes three cat naps throughout the day unless sister's gone. Then he'll sleep for two hours at a time! We're still trying to figure out how to get him to nap with Sophia around.
-Crawls really fast to Aaron when Aaron first comes home from work.
-Plays peek-a-boo.
-Puts crayons to paper (or the table...) and scribbles.
-Takes a while to warm up to people.
-Plays really well by himself. He can entertain himself all day only needing mama when he's tired, hungry, or needs changed. It's pretty amazing.
-Says "mama" and "dada"
-Can be crying or fussing and the minute he sees Sophia and she gives him some attention, he sqeals with delight and all is well. :)

I can't even describe how much we love him. I never thought our little family needed to be "brought together" but that's the only way I can think of to describe it. He's the perfect fit for us.

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