Thursday, May 21, 2015

Silas Grayson - One Year Old

It's hard to believe a whole year has gone by since Silas was born. I feel like it went pretty slow until he started crawling at six months. The next thing I know, he's turning ONE.

Silas hit all the normal baby milestones pretty evenly spread out. Or maybe that's how it always is? But it's definitely been different than with Sophia. My girl who didn't roll over or crawl until ten months. Hehe.

He started walking two weeks ago. One day he stood up in the kitchen right before we were leaving to a wedding and took about twenty step and was walking all evening. He must have forgotten the next day because it took him several more days before he walked that much again. But he's definitely on the move now. I love watching him walk down the hallway.

One Year

-Size 18 month clothes, size 4.5 shoe.
-22ish lbs, 30ish '' tall (I'm guessing. I was in the bathroom when he was weighed and measured. I'll call and ask in a little while.)
-Size three diapers
-Naps in his crib for 15-30 minutes most days, once or twice a day. If he naps with me it can be an hour or two.
-Can sleep all night in his crib, but usually wakes at some point early morning and is brought in our bed.
-Has three teeth. Two bottom middle, and one top -not the front but the one next to it. Although, a front tooth did just break through right after his birthday. He's been a super easy teether. No fevers and not really any extra fussing with new teeth. He did just start drooling some though.
-Eats his weight in food.
-Likes almost all foods.
-Started self weaning from the bottle around ten months. He started to get "too busy" to have a bottle in the day time. By his first birthday he would have a morning bottle and an evening bottle but wouldn't usually finish them. We've put up the bottles and finished up the formula. Woo hoo! He doesn't seem to miss them at all and has no trouble going to bed without a bottle first. He does drink some cold milk at breakfast and dinner, and carries his straw cup water bottle around throughout the day.
-Uses a pacifier (pappy) to fall asleep.
-Loves babies. He spoon feeds and bottle feeds sister's baby dolls. He also hugs and kisses them.
-Gives hugs with pats on the back. It's adorable. Also some big open mouth slobbery kisses if we're lucky. But he mostly saves his kisses for the baby dolls or cousin Tristan.
-Dances up and down and side to side.
-Says "bye bye" "da da" and sometimes "mama"
-At 11 months he waved and said "bye bye, da da" when Aaron was leaving for school one morning. We cried.
-Signs a few words: more, eat, thirsty, all done (I think he's signing "all done." Can't quite tell yet.) Notice they're all food related. Ha ha!
-Loves to push cars and trains around the house and even does the motor noise with his mouth.
-Still splashes and thrashes in the bath. Still comes quickly any time he hears the bath or shower going and tries to climb in.
-After we take his arms out, he can take his shirt off by himself. He'll even try to get it off when he's not the one bathing. Sometimes when he's done with dinner he will pull his shirt over his head so it's still on his arms but behind his head.
-Crawling on EVERYTHING! This child is always climbing up the couches, beds, kid chairs, and toys. He's gotten quite a few bumps and bruises from falling off and had his first busted lip yesterday after falling off the couch. Lots of blood, tears, and a big fat lip.
-Still a pretty serious little guy.
-Very content doing his own stuff all day long. Only comes to mama when he's tired, hungry, or poopy.
-When he is upset, he puts his head on the ground a cries. Sometimes he pushes him self backwards while laying on the floor fussing. Am I horrible for thinking its cute? :)
-Very loud. Yells, grunts, and squeals while playing. Especially if sister gets loud!
-Puts his hand/s down my shirt when he's tired. Usually one hand down my shirt and one hand on his ear.
-"Jumps" on the beds. His feet haven't come up off the bed yet, but he's pretty close.
-Current favorite pastime: pushing the shopping cart and riding Sophia's old pink car.
-Likes to color with sister. I mean, he really colors. Takes crayons to paper and scribbles. Perks of having an older sibling. You learn everything fast!
-Likes to build legos or blocks with sister. Although... sister doesn't appreciate his help.
-Likes doing pretty much everything sister does. ;)
-Gets VERY excited when Aaron comes home from work.
-Hates having his teeth brushed, but loves to chew on the toothbrush when he gets to hold it.

I'm still obsessed with everything he does.

He is so much fun!

We love him. :)

Monday, May 18, 2015

Silas' 1st Birthday

Yesterday was Silas' first birthday.

We were going to have all the family over to BBQ and hang in the backyard while the kids played and swam, but we canceled last minute. Aaron had finals and also worked 12-14 hours almost every day of the week last week since his guards all had finals and had to work all weekend since most of them asked off for graduation/parties. The kids and I stayed pretty busy too. We were out every day for something. The house has been a disaster and I knew there was no way I'd even get it somewhat picked up before people came over. Silas also woke up yesterday with a runny nose and little cough. We were all just kinda worn. (Except for Sophie girl. Nothing gets her down! Ha!) Oh, and Aaron woke up with pink eye Saturday. Bleh.

Sunday afternoon Sophia and I made a cake. Which also turned out to be a disaster. Ha ha. But it was good! So that's all that matters.

Here are some pictures of Silas having his birthday cake. Not his first bite of sugar... We've definitely been more relaxed with what he eats than we were with Sophia. When I say we're in survival mode with this pregnancy,  I mean it. It's like nothing else matters. We're just trying to make it to August! It was still fun to watch him dig into a piece of cake though. :)

Silas was cracking us up while we sang Happy Birthday. He was loving us singing and sticking his finger up his nose. Silly guy.

Longingly looking at the cake. This will forever be one of my favorite pictures. I love it.

I'll also do a "One Year" post for Silas soon with all his latest.

Happy first birthday, Bubbie!
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