Tuesday, April 28, 2015

We bought a van!

Our lives are changed. This week we went from a one car family (for the past two years) to a two car family. Woo hoo!

Not just any car, but a van! I thought I became a "real mom" when I had Silas. You know, two kids. But now that I'm sporting a mini van.... now I'm a real mom. Haha. I kid, I kid. ;)

We bought it from my aunt and uncle in Kansas and my grandparents drove it down. Extra bonus that we get to spend time with them this week! We really couldn't have bought a vehicle from anyone better. What a blessing to know that it has been so very well taken care of. Not to mention the Toyota Sienna has amazing reviews all around. It was really a God thing they way everything came together. 

I can't tell you how excited I am to not have to be so scheduled with outings anymore. No taking Aaron to school or work and planning everything around his schedule the days we need the car. No killing time before we come home because we'll need to pick up Aaron and don't want to go home for 30-45 minutes before getting back out. No getting around leaving the house extra early even though appointments aren't for another hour or two. No picking Aaron up during the dinner time/bedtime chaos. Can I get a woot woot?! Ya hoo!!! 

We've been talking about getting another car for a long while, but we've been making it work and like not having a car payment. Every time I started to want to buy a car before we were ready I thought of Dave Ramsey saying "Live like no one else now so later you can live like no one else." We took the Dave Ramsey financial classes a few years ago and have met with another couple that mentored us financially for a few months. We don't have it all together yet, but there are a few things that have stuck and this is one. Live within our means. 

The best part about it all is that we paid cash for the van. Also, the taxes on our house went down some for this coming year. So it's basically like we're not really having to change our budget much even after adding another car on the insurance and upkeep of the car. 

Anyway, we love it! And now all of our little Byrds will fit comfortably while we drive plus room for more (in a several more years, that is ;) ) We also LOVE giant opening doors and the huge trunk! I drool over the amount of space we have now! 

I am one excited mama!

See Sophia's little hand in the window? The side windows roll down and are awesome!

Such a Dad. Such a babe. :)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Hard pregnancy.

Yes, we're really pregnant.

I've been calling this baby our Bitty Byrd since Silas is still a baby. He's still our Baby Byrd.

We're in our 25th week and wow.. What a different pregnancy this has been!

First trimester wasn't so bad. Mostly only felt yucky in the afternoons and evenings and had some food aversions. Not once did I have the rushing to the bathroom-gonna throw up urge. No extreme nausea. Never threw up. No other super unpleasant symptoms like I had with the other two. For the most part life carried on like it normally did. I guess it really is true! Every pregnancy is different.

Second trimester so far... Has been difficult. Braxton Hicks started around 13 weeks. It's been a lot harder on my body physically than I ever knew it could be. Symptoms that I not dare mention for all to read. But I what I will say is "hello, varicose veins." Among other, ahem, places, I've developed one in my groin that's slowly making it's way down my right leg. My whole right leg feels huge even though there is no swelling. It feels tight, sore, muscle throbs in my thigh all day, knee feels weird and heavy, and causes restless leg syndrome in the evenings. In the mornings it feels like someone is twisting my groin. Yeah. Ow. I'm basically bent in half while I hobble to the bathroom to get in the bath. The discomfort feeling is slowly turning into a painful feeling any time I'm standing or get up from sitting. By the end of the day it's a couple times bigger than when I first get out of bed and it just hurts. Kinda makes me cringe at the thought of pushing another baby out. It's all just affecting me in so many different really personal ways that I don't like to talk about and it's a little lot overwhelming.

I've been debating on whether or not to say anything about it. But it's to the point now where it's weighing so heavily on me that I can't hide how I'm feeling. Even when the cashier at the grocery store says their standard "hi, how are you?" it's all I can do to keep the tears from rolling. I'm feeling miserable. For the past couple of months I've even struggled with feeling guilty about not enjoying pregnancy because I know there are so many women struggling to get pregnant. But you know... pregnancy is hard. Not always, but sometimes. I just keep reminding myself that it's not about the pregnancy, but the baby... And as a friend said, this is only a blimp!

Right now I'm wearing footless compression tights for support all day every day. Not quite the summer accessory I had in mind, but they really do help so I can't complain. Just gotta figure out how to wear them... It basically looks like I'm wearing leggings, but the top of the thighs and bottom are completely see through. And they're very hot.. And difficult to get on. I can't imagine trying to get these suckers on in my third trimester. Ha ha. Aaron will have to help. I'm also trying to stock up on short stretchy dresses and tunic shirts since I have none and that's the least hot and most comfortable option to wear with these compression leggings. 

I'm trying to get in the water at the YMCA to walk, tread, kicks, and swim some easy laps as much as I can. I'm about 50/50 with exercising and resting with my feet up. Sometimes one feels better than the other, so right now I'm told to do what feels good. 

I talked with my midwife and she decided to go ahead and have me start physical therapy to learn some exercises to help alleviate the pain and hopefully keep them from getting worse. Should be starting that soon. 

Last week decided she also wants me to take a baby Asprin once a day to prevent blood clots. I had an ultrasound done on my whole leg the other day to check for deep vein thrombosis and it came back negative. No clots! Still worries me though. 

I think I'm taking a bigger hit emotionally with this whole thing than physically. Although the physical is running a close race. It's hard not to be able to move around comfortably. It's weird having a leg that doesn't feel like your leg. It's hard to not be able to stand and get things done without wanting to cry. Or constantly be worried about a pulmonary embolism. I know I have fear and anxiety issues more than the average person, but it is extremely frustrating that no matter how many times I give that fear to God, it always comes back. I'm having to learn to give it up multiple times a day. 

But on the flip side, I'm not sure that my walk with God has ever been this strong. For the first time I'm learning to lean on him and not my parents or Aaron. I've been in my Bible more than I have in years and am finally understanding what the "living word" means. Verses are popping out at me with whole new meaning and speaking right to me. I pretty much play worship music any time we're home and it's what gets me through the day. Being in the kitchen for meal times and clean up, despite being on my feet, has become one of my favorite things. I pretty much cry off and on, happy and sad tears, all day. It's just sweet and new.. and I'm so feeling God wrapping his arms around me lately. 

But with all the not fun pregnancy symptoms, I feel like I've hardly had time to even think about the baby. It's so different. Especially because my placenta is in the front this time, so I felt the kicks way later than usual. With Sophia, Aaron and I were feeling them at 17 weeks, and with Silas I felt him rolling around at 13 weeks (yes! 13!) and Aaron felt him at 17 weeks. I was about 20 weeks when I finally felt some movement and Aaron didn't feel any until 23 weeks. I am feeling a ton of movement now though. 

Really trying to take it one day at a time. When I start to think about the baby being due August 4th and how much longer I have to go until then, I get a little panicky. 

We've hit a nice stride though. I'd say we are no longer in survival mode. I'm no longer crying all evening and night. We're having meals again (haha! But really..) and the kids are on a great (and early!) bedtime schedule which always makes life easier. Aaron is finishing up this school semester and I'm looking forward to him having the summer off from classes.

Anyway. What a downer post. But that's where I'm at. 

I sure do love this baby though. Another sweet little Byrd. Hurry up August 4th!

Bitty Byrd- Boy or Girl?

On a better note, we decided to find out the gender. 
Who were we kidding? We can't wait for something like that! 

Scarlett Roslyn Byrd
Due August 4th (or whatever day she wants to come :) )

We really loved the name Roslyn for Sophia, but knew Log & Arielle wanted the name Lynn, so we didn't name her that. 

And after unintentionally naming our first two with S names, I couldn't stand not using another S name. We both really like the name Scarlett and don't know anyone by that name. So Scarlett it is! 

I recently started thinking of a few other middle names other than Roslyn so that might change. But Scarlett is a definite yes. 

We were actually hoping for another boy, but of course we're thrilled with a girl. Guess we'll just have to try once more in a few years! 

The other day I caught myself calling her "my Lettie girl" 

Sophia is very excited about having a little sister and even offered to share all her things. Which is HUGE! 
Silas, well, he's oblivious. :)

Aaron and I sure can't wait to meet her though. Hurry up, August! 
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