Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Silas- 4 Months

I had originally planned on doing posts for Silas every three months, but I forgot how much babies change in such short amounts of time.

All of these changes have happened in the last two weeks. Right at four months.

The day before Silas turned four months (two weeks and one day ago), he started fussing some when I set him down. I kept thinking "what is going on?" all day, but now I realize he's starting to understand more and not liking being separated from me.

I mean, he's not fussing all the time. He's really just starting to.
I've been waiting for it.
My sweet, easy going babe.
How long would that really last?

Along with some fussing, he's also started protesting the car seat. I didn't even realize he was old enough to know he didn't want to be in the car seat!? He has officially started arching his back and giving a little fuss about half of the time we load up to go somewhere.

He had his first big screaming cry in the car the other night. If Sophia hadn't been crying herself I know he wouldn't have gotten so upset, but she was, and he did. And it was a LONG 20 minutes home from my mom's house. I even pulled over once to calm them down. I was heart broken and drained by the time we pulled in the driveway. I think theirs were, too...

He also started rolling to his belly as soon as I put him on the floor. Then rolling and rolling more.

Laughs at the sound of our laughter.

Likes Peek-a-boo. But mostly when it's mama playing with him. ;)

Has a few ticklish spots. Ribs and inside of thighs.

Beginning to get distracted while nursing. Coming unlatched to look at me when I talk. Smiling or laughing mid feed. Startles and unlatches at loud or sudden noises.

Still loves his activity mat and starting to grab and hold toys.

Also weirdly attracted to screens. TV, phone, computer. Maybe all babies are? Sophia wasn't until about two years old. So it's weird to me.

Loves sister. Sophia always makes him smile and laugh.

Ready for bed between 6:30-7:30.

Eating every two to three hours during the night the last week. Growth spurt!

Wears 9-12 clothes.

A few weeks ago at his four month appointment, he was 17.13lbs and 26.5"
That put him in the 90% for weight and 97% for height.
Not that I care about that, BUT it is fun for me to see that he's in the 97% while Sophia was always in the 3%. Silas is about the size Sophia was on her first birthday. Whoa!

He is SUCH a mama's baby. 
So special knowing that my touch, voice, or snuggles can calm him in an instant. And I am eating that up!

He's still very easy going and a little bit "serious" 
Just like his daddy. ;)

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