Monday, April 28, 2014

Baby update - 37 Weeks

We're so close!!!

I feel like I'm just waiting around for this baby boy. We've had everything ready (minus a few small things) for over a month now. I guess I should start some freezer meals...

The house is usually pretty clean now. Trying to keep it organized. I'll thank myself later when we come home to a clean house with our new baby. :)

Sophia and I dyed and washed (and washed and washed and washed!) all the flats for cloth diapering. 
Silas' things are all set up in our room. We decided not to do a nursery since he'll be in our room for at least the first year. He'll sleep in the co-sleeper crib for as long as he'll fit, and after that he'll sleep with us. Probably six months or so. I bought the co-sleeper at the JBF sale last year for less than half the original price. I wasn't even pregnant and Sophia was too big for it. But I couldn't pass up the deal and knew we'd eventually get some use out of it. So glad I did! It fits GREAT in our tiny room. 
The little mattress also lowers for when he starts sitting and pulling up. It also can connect to the bed, but it doesn't work out in our room. Our king size bed takes up too much space. But hey, all we do is sleep in there anyway. It also has wheels and is very light weight. It's basically a mini pack-n-play. At first I was hesitant to put it there since it's by a window, but we usually have the drapes pulled at night and that's a new window. If it doesn't work out there we can always move it to the foot of our bed.

I cleaned out two dresser drawers and a side door for Silas' diapers and clothes (0-6months) and put up a small changing pad. We've been practicing keeping the dresser clean since it'll be the changing area for a while. It's working out great! 
This past year I've really been into living minimally. Living with only what we need and love. For a while, I was in a constant state of purging. Somehow, I'm still getting rid of stuff every day... Sheesh! But I am impressed with how well everything fits into our room. Aaron and I each have a small closet and a little bit of space in the dresser. We actually haven't ever been able to use our chest of drawers because it's never fit in our room! Ha!

Eventually, Sophia and Silas will share Sophie's bedroom and we'll change the hot pink decor to something more neutral. I'd love to get a simple, toddler-friendly loft style bunk bed set for them. You know, one where the bottom bunk is basically on the floor and the top is somewhat enclosed on all edges? Although I love our home, I don't see us living in this neighborhood for longer than a few years. So hopefully when Sophia is ready and needing her own space, we'll have sold this house for a different one with a better lay out. For now our third bedroom is going to be the play/school room. Can't wait to get it finished and post pictures! (Sophia pulled out the baby toys for Silas to check out right before I took the pictures.)
Oh! Whoops.
The pregnancy! 

37 Weeks! 
I'm feeling huge.
I can't believe I have another three weeks to go. How much bigger will I get?! 
-In the clear to labor at home as long as I'm comfortable. Woo hoo!
-My hands (no, not from high blood pressure) and feet started swelling around 32 weeks, and mostly stay like that unless I'm freezing cold and sit down all day. And neither of those things ever happen, so yeah, it's terrible. 
-Aaron's been rubbing my feet at night and it is THE BEST GIFT EVER!
-Gained 29 lbs so far.
-Still no stretch marks... But am thinking I should probably start lotioning up. Things are getting tight in there!
-Actually sleeping better now than I think I have my whole pregnancy. Minus the fact that I'm up to pee exactly every two hours. (Thank you, water retention and baby sitting on my bladder.)
-Feeling pretty great throughout the day. Ok, minus the swollen hands and feet. It's not even my ankles either. It's my feet! I officially have one pair of shoes that for. Black Nike flip flops. Kinda limits the outfit choices. :/ Not even unlaced tennis shoes for comfortably! Or any other flip flops I have. 
-Always trying to up my water intake. Ah. 
-Soaking in as many sweet moments as I can with Sophia. Especially bed time. I know it's all going to change soon. Not sure who I'm more sad for, her or me? Trying to talk about baby brother with her more and more to help the transition. 

We can't wait to meet our baby Silas. Sweet boy. We're so close! 

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