Thursday, January 10, 2013


OK, so I'm really excited about this post!

It seems like I was always showing Sophia her toys, and encouraging her to play with them instead of following me around, but she never really "played" with any of them for more than a minute. She never really cared for the "baby" toys either. She just wants what we have. ...or what she's not supposed to have! For a new parent, this is frustrating. So frustrating. Isn't that what we're supposed to do? Buy them toys? Let the play? Why didn't Sophia ever play?

Ever since we started looking into clean eating, and living a healthier lifestyle (which is way harder than it sounds.. at least for us it is) I've started to rethink a lot of other things that are the norm in today's society. One of those being toys, and the way we let Sophia play/learn.

I wish I could say I thought of this all on my own, but I owe most of my ideas/brainstorming to the mom's at Play at Home Mom. They believe in positive parenting, and a play based learning. Awesome! Right up our alley.

I am so grateful for the many sources on the internet about life and parenting. I love learning how and why others do things the way they do, and being able to apply those things to our life.

So anyway, I cleaned out Sophia's toys.

I bought some super cheap containers, and filled them with things from The Dollar Tree and my craft closet.


 Goodbye, random plastic toys.

Hello, organization/simplicity/learning/sensory.

These are the toys we switch out weekly. Now that they're not all out at once, she has much more fun playing with them when I put them out.


We traded our old coffee table that we no longer use for my brother and sister in law's coffee table. It was a great trade! We both got our tables for under $10 at garage sales, and Arielle had always liked our table more than hers, so I asked if they wanted to trade and they did. Yay!

One of the things I liked best from the Play at Home Mom's blog was their "sensory table." So that's what I wanted to use the coffee table for. I would love to cut a hole for a big bin sometime... But this will do for now!
We covered the top with the backside of freezer paper, and taped it town underneath the edges of the table so she can color all of the table again, and again, and again. :) Oh, and we also bought foam corner covers. Safety first!

Then I headed to The Dollar Tree, and stocked up on some cheap goodies. Then raided the house and craft closet for interesting things.

I wasn't sure what to expect but everything I put together was a big hit! Sophia spent TWO HOURS "sorting" things into different containers. I don't even think she ever looked up at me the whole time we were in her room that night. I know it's partly because everything was new to her, but wow. She still loves all her containers, too.

It has been so neat to watch her play lately. Her favorite container would definitely be the buttons. Actually, we have a few button containers. She loves to move them around, then put them in the jar one by one, and close the lid after each one. I think she likes the "cling, cling" hitting the bottom of the jar, and the metal lid against the glass when she closes it. She also gets upset when others don't do it the way she wants to. It's pretty cute. Hopefully, that's not her mother's OCD coming through.. ha ha. I'm sure she'll be into counting soon, too!

Here's a little video of Sophia sorting the balls in the ball box.

and the beans...

and buttons.

We also had a random family painting session the other day, and let Sophia paint some "art work" for some frames above her table.

Here is our finished product.
Well, until I decide to add more to it. Heh. ;)

What's in the containers?

Well, the cool thing about all of this, is it will continually change to meet Sophia's interests. Also, pretty much everything can be used for "crafting" too, so I'm pumped about that!

Right now, each box holds like items.

Cardboard (random cardboard pieces, shredded pieces)
Macaroni noodle with robbin (for stringing noddles)
Giant, fuzzy pipe cleaners with cut up toilet paper tubes (also for stringing, or lacing)
Beans ... lots of beans!
Beaded necklaces.

We also have many extra containers of all sizes, and dixie cups for her to use.

And maybe you're thinking this isn't the best idea? All those little pieces?
Well, yes. But for Sophia, no.
This girl. She never seizes to amaze me. She's very good at listening when I tell her not to put something in her mouth. It usually takes one "no-no" and she won't do it again. If it even takes a no-no! We go lucky with that. ;)

There are so many things I want to add to her play/learning area! But for now, this is perfect. And I'm excited about it always changing!

As if this post isn't long enough....

Here are a few pictures I snapped from the other day.

"Hmm, what do I want to play with next? Oh yes, the balls!"
And hey, this is just really cool. We've been working on cleaning up and putting away after we're done with a box, and she totally does it! I'm really amazed at how much she understands. And how well she listens! Sometimes, parenting is so cool. So rewarding. Hee hee. (Oh, and I started putting a sheet down when we play. Easier to pick up beans and little pieces.)

I guess that's it for now.

This is definitely something I want to remember, and continue to do.

I also wanted to share this with those of you that read this! Gotta pass on these genius ideas. ;)

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