Monday, May 18, 2015

Silas' 1st Birthday

Yesterday was Silas' first birthday.

We were going to have all the family over to BBQ and hang in the backyard while the kids played and swam, but we canceled last minute. Aaron had finals and also worked 12-14 hours almost every day of the week last week since his guards all had finals and had to work all weekend since most of them asked off for graduation/parties. The kids and I stayed pretty busy too. We were out every day for something. The house has been a disaster and I knew there was no way I'd even get it somewhat picked up before people came over. Silas also woke up yesterday with a runny nose and little cough. We were all just kinda worn. (Except for Sophie girl. Nothing gets her down! Ha!) Oh, and Aaron woke up with pink eye Saturday. Bleh.

Sunday afternoon Sophia and I made a cake. Which also turned out to be a disaster. Ha ha. But it was good! So that's all that matters.

Here are some pictures of Silas having his birthday cake. Not his first bite of sugar... We've definitely been more relaxed with what he eats than we were with Sophia. When I say we're in survival mode with this pregnancy,  I mean it. It's like nothing else matters. We're just trying to make it to August! It was still fun to watch him dig into a piece of cake though. :)

Silas was cracking us up while we sang Happy Birthday. He was loving us singing and sticking his finger up his nose. Silly guy.

Longingly looking at the cake. This will forever be one of my favorite pictures. I love it.

I'll also do a "One Year" post for Silas soon with all his latest.

Happy first birthday, Bubbie!

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