Not just any car, but a van! I thought I became a "real mom" when I had Silas. You know, two kids. But now that I'm sporting a mini van.... now I'm a real mom. Haha. I kid, I kid. ;)
We bought it from my aunt and uncle in Kansas and my grandparents drove it down. Extra bonus that we get to spend time with them this week! We really couldn't have bought a vehicle from anyone better. What a blessing to know that it has been so very well taken care of. Not to mention the Toyota Sienna has amazing reviews all around. It was really a God thing they way everything came together.
I can't tell you how excited I am to not have to be so scheduled with outings anymore. No taking Aaron to school or work and planning everything around his schedule the days we need the car. No killing time before we come home because we'll need to pick up Aaron and don't want to go home for 30-45 minutes before getting back out. No getting around leaving the house extra early even though appointments aren't for another hour or two. No picking Aaron up during the dinner time/bedtime chaos. Can I get a woot woot?! Ya hoo!!!
We've been talking about getting another car for a long while, but we've been making it work and like not having a car payment. Every time I started to want to buy a car before we were ready I thought of Dave Ramsey saying "Live like no one else now so later you can live like no one else." We took the Dave Ramsey financial classes a few years ago and have met with another couple that mentored us financially for a few months. We don't have it all together yet, but there are a few things that have stuck and this is one. Live within our means.
The best part about it all is that we paid cash for the van. Also, the taxes on our house went down some for this coming year. So it's basically like we're not really having to change our budget much even after adding another car on the insurance and upkeep of the car.
Anyway, we love it! And now all of our little Byrds will fit comfortably while we drive plus room for more (in a several more years, that is ;) ) We also LOVE giant opening doors and the huge trunk! I drool over the amount of space we have now!
Congratulations on the purchase of you minivan! I purchased a minivan a few years ago. I never thought I would be the type of person to drive one. I guess you should never say never! I really enjoy our van. I find it easier to load and unload the kids in the van than I could in our old SUV. Also, road trips are much more enjoyable with the extra space!