Now, I'm not too sure what went on those first few minutes of Sophia's life, but I can imagine how it went...
I'm sure everyone was in the lobby crowded around the NICU windows, oooo-ing and aww-ing over how tiny (and hairy, ha ha) Sophia was.
I'm sure the nurses were surprised when they saw Sophia didn't need an oxygen mask.
I'm sure they were talking about how big she was for being 32 weeks along.
I'm sure Aaron couldn't take his eyes off that precious little baby that he loved from the very beginning.
I'm sure my parents couldn't wait to get in there, see their first grandchild, and pray over her life.

But here's what I do know happened in those first few minutes... I was sad I didn't get to see her. I so badly wanted to follow her to the NICU.
I remember the nurses wheeling me back to the room I got my epidural in, and offering me a Sprite.
I remember being very shaky, and cold.
I remember wishing Aaron was with me, but so glad he was with Sophia.
I remember thinking "that wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be..." Dr Meyer broke my water right there in the operating room, and the nurses told me to push a minute or so after. One, two, three pushes, and she was out. Did I mention how fast it all happened? So fast.
I remember mom coming in, and showing me some pictures. Maybe Aaron did, too?
I was moved back to my previous room, and was told I couldn't go see Sophia until I was able to walk. Boo. That epidural took hours to wear off. Although, they did let me take a wheelchair down to see her the first time, I just had to stand up and sit myself in it.
Kimberly and Katie came to visit me while everyone was with Sophia, and I remember being so grateful for them. So glad they came to see me. So much to process, so many emotions... So thankful for lifelong friends, who know where to be, when to be.
I remember dad asking if I was hungry (duh), and if he could get me anything. So of course I said yes, a Pizza Hut meat lovers, stuffed crust pizza. Boy, did that taste good.
I'm not sure when, but sometime a nurse came in with a breast pump and showed me the works. Ouch. Even though I wasn't really producing anything yet, they kept stressing how important it was that I keep trying, telling me over and over that "it will come." So every three hours, I would try again.
Around midnight, I was finally able to get myself out of bed, so the nurse let Aaron wheel me down to see Sophia. That night was the sweetest, most special night I've ever had.
Sophia wasn't in the main part of the NICU, but in the second half of it that was rarely used. The lights were low, and other than the occasional beep of a monitor, it was completely silent. The nurse that had been in there let us know that if we needed anything she'd be around the corner, then quietly slipped out.
It was our first time, alone, together as a family. I'd post a picture, but neither of us were thinking about pictures at that moment. We just sat. And whispered to this tiny baby girl. What a journey we had been on! Not just the last week, but the last seven months. And she was here.
Hello sweet baby girl.
About 30 minutes later, I realized how exhausted I was, and we headed back to the room where I fell into a deep sleep, laying on my belly. Ahhh... now that felt good.
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