Monday, October 15, 2012

Sophia's Birth Story, Part 1

It's time to write Sophia's birth story!

I've journaled on and off since 6th grade, but sadly, I've thrown out almost everything I've ever written. Why you ask? I don't really know. Actually, I take that back. I do know why I always threw out my elementary/jr. high journals... I was freaking boy-crazy. And those days... those are embarrassing. Ha ha. But oh, how I wished I would have kept them. What a laugh I'd get from reading them now. Katy Bahlman is probably the only one who really knows about that. And then high school, well I wasn't very social, and had a crazy boyfriend.. so who wants to remember those days?

Anyway, let's get back to the real topic at hand.

I've noticed a trend since I've started reading blogs. Writing out your baby's birth story. What a great way to remember one of the most important days of your life! Now that, that is something worth keeping, and remembering.

So since this is a whole year after Sophia was born, and I only have pictures to refresh my memory, I will try my hardest to get all of the details right.

I'm so glad I snapped these pictures when I did. These were taken the day before I went into labor, right at 32 weeks pregnant.

I remember that day so perfectly. It was a rainy Saturday, a very rainy Saturday. We werre living in the duplex with Logan and Arielle as our duplex neighbors. I remember the house was clean, had some candles going, listening to music and also listening to the rain with the windows and doors open. Aaron and I just kinda hung out that day. I remember putting Aarons big headphones on my belly, and us laughing because baby girl was wild!

It's kinda funny how you can remember everything right before you remember nothing? Does that make sense? Like it was the last time it was just Aaron and I.

I remember hearing Logan and Arielle out on the porch, playing guitar and singing Jack Johnson. Then, they locked themselves out of their side of the duplex. Ha. We all watched Logan in Aaron's big rain jacket, shoes, and umbrella in the pouring rain, going from window to window, hoping one was unlocked.

I remember laying on the floor in different positions thinking "wow, my back is really aching today..."

The next day, I wore my black leggings to church and kept thinking I needed to start wearing maternity clothes, because my leggings were too tight, and making my braxton hicks contractions ever worse! I had been having braxton hicks since I was about 15 weeks along.

After church, is when the little "nesting" that I did happened. See, we'd only been married for about 3 weeks. Sophia's room was a mess! We didn't even have a carseat yet. For some reason I felt like we needed to clean out the cars, so at least that would be ready for Sophia. So I got my pregnant self to work, and cleaned both cars, all while having some serious "braxton hicks" contractions.

That evening, I deciede to go to the grocery store. That was the longest grocery trip ever! Even though it was only an hour... I remember stopping every ten minutes or so, not able to walk, because my whole lower half was aching.

I finally made it home, put the groceries up, and decided to take a bath. Maybe soaking would help me feel less achy? I think that was the only time I soaked in the bath during my whole pregnancy.

The night, I remember waking up with each contraction groaning and moaning. I've never had a braxton hicks contraction keep me from sleeping?! I woke up at 7:00am and started timing my contractions. They were already 3-9 minutes apart, and I had a few other pregnancy/labor issues along with the contractions. I called my mom and she didn't seem too concerned, but still said I should call my doctor. My doctor told me to go ahead and into Labor and Delivery so we could see what was going on.

Called mom back, and she said she was going to run a few errands, then come get me and we'd head to the hospital. I guess the reason why my mom wasn't alarmed was because I seemed so calm. I mean, I knew 3-5 minutes apart was kind of serious, but mine didn't even hurt? Just ached, and a little uncomfortable. So I made myself a good breakfast, saw Aaron off to work, and said I'd call and let him know how everything went.

When we finally got up to Labor and Delivery, the nurses seemed very concerned. "Where were you coming from? Out of town? Ozona? We've been waiting!" We had no idea we should have hurried along? I basically felt fine? Little did we know, we would not be leaving without a baby.

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