I remember being at Sophia's swimming lesson that morning a little concerned because I was having a hard time feeling any movement from Scarlett. A few hours after not feeling movement, I went in to be monitored, I was having regular contractions but they just felt like braxton hicks and I didn't think anything of it. I stayed for an hour and a half. The first 45 minutes there wasn't any movement so they gave me a cold Coke to drink and used a little tool to vibrate different areas of belly to wake her up. And it worked! She woke up and we were good to go. We left instructed to come right in if I couldn't feel her again.
That afternoon I was determined to dance my way into labor! We had been praying for months that baby girl would come at 38 weeks and I believed she would. And I was ready! The kids and I often turn up music, dance, and be silly. Thinking back on that afternoon, I have no regrets. I just enjoyed my kids. What a fun afternoon with a very pregnant mama. I don't remember what we made for dinner, but the kids "helped" in the kitchen, we ate, then got in the bath.
I remember leaning over the bathtub washing Silas when my contractions got really hard. I thought I did too much dancing.
After we got jammies on and brushed teeth I got in the rocking chair to rock Silas to sleep, but my contractions were even harder and In couldn't sit and rock through them. So I decided to time them.
Two minutes apart!
I didn't realize they were so close!! So I called Aaron because he was still at work but he wouldn't answer. I also tried calling the front desk to get him and they couldn't leave the front desk because they were the only one up there. So I said "I'm in labor! Get my husband!" He had been in the pool teaching a lesson.
Then I text both of my parents that somebody better get over here now! Haha. With Silas' labor and delivery being two hours total, I was thinking this time would be even faster. And I was home alone with two small children!
Mom, Dad, and Aaron all pulled up within a few minutes of each other. Phew!
Aaron and I headed to the hospital, and mom and Nikki met us there. Dad and Micah-Ray spent the night at our house with the kids.
It was about 8:00pm when we got into our room at Labor & Delivery. My water started trickling as I was changing into my gown. Great timing! The nurse checked me and I was dilated to 5cm so we moved to our delivery room.
This was the real deal! Meeting our baby girl soon!
Aaron and I were both anticipating him sitting behind me on the bed again like we did with Silas, but this time was different. I had zero back labor. Therefore, I needed zero counter pressure. It was all in front right on my belly. So Aaron calmly sat next to me whispering encouragement and praying over me and Scarlett.
The contractions were much, much, MUCH stronger than they were with Silas. I was blown away at the difference. I'm sure it had something to do with my water breaking halfway through labor instead of breaking right before delivering.
I progressed much slower than with Silas and by midnight was only at 7cm. I was also crying out because the contractions were so intense, which is something I didn't do at all the whole time with Silas.
Around 12:30AM I decided to get an epidural. I told Aaron something was very different and I felt like I should get one. Almost an hour later the nurse checked me and I was still at 7cm. So I got the epidural.
Things calmed down in the room for a bit. I tried to fall asleep but couldn't. Mom, Nikki, and Aaron all took a little snooze on the couches.
The nurses came in to check me and I was at 10cm. I asked for the big mirror so I could watch so they pulled it out and had me do some practice pushes. After a couple pushes, the nurse put my legs down and said "OK. We're just going to stop now and wait for the doctor. Baby wants to come!"
About a minute after she said that she brought my legs back up to check me and calmly said "Ok, you're having your baby." And sure enough, we all watched in amazement as my contractions pushed out Scarlett.
I did ZERO pushing.
Let me say that again. I did zero pushing. I just sat there. And had a baby.
The doctor wasn't even in there yet (my midwife was on her mission trip she does ever summer so we used the on-call OB).
Nurse Theresa was sitting on the edge of the bed and delivered Scarlett.
It was amazing! It really made me wonder why they direct you to push during delivery anyway if our bodies are so capable of pushing a baby out themselves. I mean, it was really incredible. Zero pushing. None. I couldn't believe it was happening. I kept saying over and over "I'm having a baby and I'm not even doing anything!"
Right after she was born the tears came. I was so glad for it all to be over. The pregnancy was over. My baby girl was finally here.
Scarlett Elena Byrd
July 23, 2015
7lb 5oz
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