With Sophia everything was super clean all the time. With Silas... It's a a wonder if I remember to grab the beads Sophia dropped or pick up the shoes so he's not chewing on those.
I couldn't wait to start offering Sophia table food and made all her foods with my handy dandy Baby Bullet. Poor Silas... I'm putting it off as long as I can. He usually just gets whatever we're eating mashed up.
Sophia had baths all the time. And Silas... I have no idea how long he went between his last two baths. I won't even say how long I think it was.
I knew Sophia's age from the week down to the hour. Silas? I think he may be in his 20's weeks? I always thought it was weird when I asked other mom's their baby's age and they said "five months." I'd be thinking... Aren't we supposed to count by weeks until they're like one? Then I had baby #2. Speaking of Silas' age... I wanted to do a six month post but this month has been crazy. I mean, he turns seven months tomorrow. So technically, this is a six month post. ;)
Anyway, you get the idea.
Even though everything is more chaotic, it is so much sweeter. Having two is the best.
So Silas.
Even though everything is more chaotic, it is so much sweeter. Having two is the best.
So Silas.
- LOVES his sister and laughs at everything she does.
- Goes crazy in the bath. Loves splashing and kicking his legs.
- Acts likes he hates all food and has been very slow learning to swallow.
- Can keep a paci in his mouth for a little while!
- Rolls and rolls and rolls on the floor.
- As of yesterday, he is starting to army crawl.
- Doesn't sit up for too long, but can until he turns his head.
- Wakes every 2-3 hours to eat at night.
- Loves being tickled and playing Peek-a-boo.
- Grabs any and everything in front of him. And it goes straight into his mouth.
- First tooth at 5.5 months, second tooth two weeks later.
- Likes to take drinks of water.
- Claps his hands.
- Cat naps while at home. Takes the best naps while we're out and he's in the carrier.
- Not usually fussy.
- Babbles and yells a lot.
- 19.? lbs. and 23.75"
- Wears size 12 month clothes.
- We think he says "mamama" when he cries and is immediately soothed when I come to him.
- Likes animals and feel their fur. He even lets them lick inside his mouth! ....yeah.. Oops!
- Also makes the squishiest, scrunched up, upset face. I love it.
I don't know what else to say other than how much we love him. We all are obsessed with this little bubs. Such a sweet, easy going babe.
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