Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Silas' Birth Story- Part 2

Saturday comes and I'm still not feeling labor happening. Well, other than my whole abdomen feeling sore.

Aaron had some private swimming lessons to teach that morning so it was just me and Sophia doing our normal thing.

After lunch I put Sophia down for a nap and decided to see if I could take one myself. Everyone says if you can't sleep or talk through your contractions then it's labor. So I gave it a shot. 

While up and around my contractions were 3-11 minutes apart. From 3:00-4:00 I slept on and off,  barely waking up during each contraction. They were 9-10 minutes apart while laying down. Still not consistent, but at least I woke up half way during them. I wish I would have saved the piece of paper I was writing them down on. You can barely make out what I wrote down. It took everything in me to wake up enough and grab the pen to write the time. When I got up at 4:00 I was thinking there was no way that was real labor because it just wasn't that bad.

Aaron's sister Jennifer and her family came over to pick up Sophia while we headed to labor and delivery. As I was talking to Jennifer I had to take a few breaths and pauses during each contraction. Still not painful, but uncomfortable. I remember her saying "from the looks of it, you're in labor, and this baby is coming soon!"

It was about 6:00 by the time we were settled in our room to be monitored at L&D. The nurse checks me and I've made no change since the day before. Totally bummed out.

Mom and Micah-Ray came by with a treat for Aaron, Iggy's Italian Ice, and to hang out for a while to see what's going on.

We were only going to be monitored for an hour before heading home and waiting it out. I was offered, again, meds to speed up the labor, but denied them. Still having irregular, uncomfortable contractions, and was convinced Silas would not be coming that night.

We're all laughing, joking, taking pictures....

At 6:45, about 15 minutes before the nurse was to come in and check me then let us go, I had one HUGE, GIANT, LONG, HARD contraction.


I mean.... there are no words.

I thought I was going to shoot through the roof!

I remember mom, Micah-ray, and Aaron all talking, and mid contraction them realizing it was getting serious. I couldn't talk. I couldn't breathe! And I immediately pushed my bottom up off the bed with my hands to take the pressure off.

About two minutes later I had another one. Just as intense. Mom and Micah-Ray stepped into the hall to call dad, and I remember telling Aaron "this better be labor!!! This better be the real thing!!!" Ha ha.

I had a few more and the intensity was picking up with each contraction.

Aaron pulled out his journal, flipped it open, and had two pages full of notes on counter pressure and good positions for easing pain.

Cue the tears...

And it was amazing.
Counter pressure is what got me through labor.
Aaron got me through labor.
I'm not even exaggerating when I say this either, but it easily cut the pain in half when Aaron was pressing on my hips and lower back.
And it was hard work for him. Neither of us realized he'd be laboring, too!

The nurse came in at 7:00, checked me, and sure enough I had transitioned.


Baby boy was coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I don't have a douhla, so my husband will be a big part if this! Where did he get his notes?


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