While I have some quiet time might as well write some of this down! I'll probably have to keep adding to it as I think of more.
"The days may seem long, but the years are short."
Not sure when or where I read that, but I've never understood it like I do now.
Sophia is two and a half years old!

Every day I find myself thinking about how fast she's growing up and wanting to remember every little thing she does. I know I say this with every age she is, but this really is my favorite age. Mostly because she's just so darn cute, but also because it finally feels like we're starting to understand this whole parenting thing. From dealing with tantrums, to boo boos, to sleep time, to self control, and I guess just child training in general. We still have a LONG way to go, but it's starting to feel easier. :)
-Sophia is quite the little talker.
Most of what she says is her processing whatever she sees or is doing, but man! That girl can carry a conversation. Yesterday was a long morning. Sophia's jabbering voice had me drained. When I started to get frustrated I couldn't help but laugh. Do any other mom's of toddlers have to beg them to stop talking?!? Mom always laughs because Micah-Ray is still that way. That boy can talk, too. Maybe that's why they get along so well. ;)
My fav. Soph still requires a hug any time she's upset, hurt, or lovey.
Mad about nap time? She wails, cries, and asks for a huggie. Bumped her head? Huggie. Sad she has to share? Huggie. And usually after a good little cry, she's back to her happy self. Oh, and sometimes just random love huggies. Aaron and I have also taken on the huggie concept. Sometimes my pregnant self just needs a huggie, then I'm better. Or we'll get into a disagreement and Aaron will have us give huggies. When in doubt, hug it out. Right?
-Still sleeps with us (because Sophie and I have the same bedtime. ha!), but will gladly sleep in her bed if we want her to. She started sleeping in our bed when she was a year old and has off and on every since. I've been torn on this for so long. To make her sleep in her bed, or to have her sleep with us? Yeah, we get kicks and smacks to the face by uncontrollable, sleepy little arms and legs, but we also wake to sleepy, dreaming giggles, random half asleep hugs, kisses and snuggles, and listen to her talk in her sleep. We'll probably do things a little different with baby brother, but for the most part, I don't regret letting Sophia sleep with us if she wants.
-Speaking of sleep. Nap time. I feel like we're coming to an end of our daily naps. Sophia (usually) sleeps a solid twelve hours every night and will sleep about an hour during nap, but not without a fight (yes, 12 and then a nap. Guess I shouldn't complain!)! If she doesn't sleep twelve hours the night before, she'll nap for at least two hours. Seems like it's taking longer and longer for her to fall asleep for nap. After about an hour I'll give up and she can go play. Think I'll try to stick with "rest" time if she stops falling asleep for a nap. At least that way we'll both still have some quiet down time every day.
-Favorite toys are her three stuffed animals (Turtle, Monkey, Baby Duck), Bitty Baby, and Thomas trains.
-Favorite activities are painting, Thomas trains/tracks, Legos, using the spray bottle, wearing and changing shoes (ALL DAY!), taking care of Bitty Baby, watching Netflix, doing "school" work, moon sand, the park, grocery shopping with her cart and play refrigerator and toy foods, using a camera, building forts, and helping (laundry, sweeping, cooking, baking, dishes, etc.).
-For about six months now has known all the letters in the alphabet, numbers 1-10, and most colors.
-Very sensitive and usually sensitive to other's feelings.
-Is picking up on people's conversations and repeating what they say. ....Oops! Ha ha.
-Likes to "read" but not so much being read to.
-Wears size 2T in clothes (some 18-24month bottoms), and size 7 shoes.
-Potty training herself if we don't put a diaper on. Woo hoo!
-Adds "ie" on most words. Huggie, snackie, sockie, shoesies, etc..
-Started to understand the meaning of friends and loves to talk about and play with friends. We went to story time at the library the other day (Why didn't I start that earlier?! And why don't I go more often!?) and Sophia called the kids her new friends. Even though we didn't really talk to anyone... She also loves her class at church and seeing her "friends!" But really, she just has the Beaver's kids as friends. We've been seeing them a little more than we usually do lately and have definitely been enjoying their new backyard with them! :) I think I'll make it a point to get involved in MOPS this next semester and hopefully meet some new friends for myself and Sophia.
Two is turning out to be a great year! Even though there are some really terrible moments, they never seem to trump the terrific ones.
We love her to pieces. :)
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