It's been way too long since I sat down and purposefully did something fun with/for Sophia.
Last night I was scrolling through Instagram pictures and I came across one that had the tag "sensory play." It reminded me how much Sophia and I enjoyed playing and learning together. I used to be so good about making up little boxes for her to explore...
Lately, I've been so obsessed with lists, planning and scheduling our lives, organizing, purging old stuff, frugality, minimizing, food/menus, and homemade stuff, that I've forgotten to slow down and just play with Sophie.
So today we made moon sand. Super easy and SUPER FUN! There are a few different recipes online, but I decided to go with the flour and baby oil. Doesn't that sound incredibly soft? Well, it was. I couldn't stop playing with it.
We used one 5lb bag of flour and 20oz of baby oil. Then just mixed it together with our hands in a large container.
Sophie had a great time. And basically played non-stop for an hour and a half. That's eons in toddler time!
Next time we'll probably do it outside, or on top of her little table so she won't end up caked in it. ;) But for today, it was awesome, messy fun, followed by a bath and a nice long nap.
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