The last few months we've been throwing around different ideas about what to do with Sophia's sleeping situation.
Should we buy a king size bed and continue co-sleeping?
New crib? (Ours was bought at a garage sale and is at the end of it's rope.)
Toddler bed?
Buy a twin size bed, and only use the top mattress on the floor for a while?
Crib mattress on floor?
Embrace the whole montessori-style floor bed/living?
Well, we decided to go with the toddler bed. Sophia loved it right away!
Can you tell our lives are all about Sophia? Ha, ha.
Before she actually slept in her bed, we made sure she was able to get on and off the bed without any problems. I would sit by her while she climbed up, and then taught her how to turn around feet first with her belly on the bed to get down. I was really surprised at how quickly she picked it up. Then it became such a game, that she'd go all the way down the hall, then walk back into the room to get on and off the bed. She did this about six times. Back and forth. Wish I would have gotten a video of that!
I did get this sweetness though.
I mean... Isn't she the cutest?
Now I know you can see that black cord and we did cover all outlets, and secure the bookshelf (and soon dresser) into the wall. Her room is now completely baby proofed. So baby proofed that my mother can't even get the outlet plugs out. Ha! ;)
The first night went smoother than I ever could have hoped for. I think we heard one little peep out of her around midnight. Other than that, she slept all night, and got herself out of bed in the morning to play.
The second night Aaron woke me up before going to bed so I could come peak at Sophie. I guess she tried to get out of bed, but decided she was too tired. Ha!
I'm really amazed at how well this toddler bed has worked out. At first I thought we were crazy, and she was too young for this... But really, it has worked out perfectly! She's even started putting herself to sleep, and has started to cut out her night time nursing session. Some days she'll take a nap or go to bed without any problem. Other days, she'll lay in bed a fuss until she falls asleep. And some days, she'll lay in bed, fuss, then decide she's not quite sleepy enough, get up and play for a bit, then back down for a nap a little while later. Yes, I would love to be scheduled, and have tried so hard so many times, with everything in our lives... but we're just not the scheduling-type family. At least not right now, and it's working. :)
Don't get me wrong though, we still have some bedtime issues, but not near as bad as it used to be.
Nap time. Normally, she doesnt sleep with anything in the bed, ever. Except maybe a sheet... but not usually.
I also finally finished Sophia's bedding. Well, almost. I'm planning on adding a little more to the pillow with the blue square in the middle.
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