Aaron was hit with some crazy stomach bug Monday/Tuesday, I woke up Tuesday with a horrible sore throat that turned into nasty pus pockets the whole week, and poor Sophia threw up twice Thursday, and now has a cold (on top of her double ear infection, which hopefully is almost cleared up).What a week it has been!
The training Aaron was supposed to go to in Dallas ended up being canceled, and rescheduled in Arlington for this next whole week. Boo.
Sophia basically stayed with my mom for the past four days, while Aaron worked, and I slept the days away. She did spend the nights with us though. Mom offered to keep her, but I just couldn't do that to my mom. Sophia has been having such bad nights. Will we EVER get back to where we were 5 months ago? Sleeping through the night... Anyone have any tips? Maybe once her ear infections clear? Clear for good! Ok, sorry, got off topic.
Poor little Soph. I'm glad we didn't actually spend a weekend away from her. As ready as Aaron and I are, Sophia is not. Mom had a hard time getting her to nap, eat, and drink. When I picked her up Friday night, she seemed to be back to herself by the time she went to bed. I really think she just missed us, and me. Shes only been away from me a few hours at a time, once or twice a week. After this week, I'm glad we decided to take her with us on our family cruise in March. We may miss out on some things, but it's definitely the best decision. Actually, I take that back. I don't think I'll feel like I'll be missing out on anything. I'm excited about Sophia coming along! :)
Before mom picked Sophia up one day, Sophia and I camped out in her room while I laid on the floor and she played. She's started this really hilarious babbling baby talk. I love it! Here's a little video I caught on camera.
Since the switch to mostly formula (she'll be on toddler formula, along with some nursing, for another month or so since she's so tiny), and all the medicine for her ear infections, we haven't used cloth diapers in about two months. Just too messy. Anyway, I sent Sophia with my mom one day, with no diapers, wipes, or baby food. So mom went out and bought some. Sophia didn't really like any of the baby/toddler food mom offered, so first thing I did yesterday when I started feeling better was make a yummy vegetable soup for my sweet girl.
And let me tell you, it was good! We both snarfed a bowl right then. I plan on making a bigger batch for Aaron and I tonight.
Here are a few other cute pictures from the week before.
We went to The Garden to visit my mom, and Sophia had a blast paying the the kid's room. I've never seen her so curious. She was climbing on everything. Big girl!
We also went to the library so I could check out a few books. This is our little spot on the second floor. I surrounded her with chairs, the coffee table, and stroller, and let her play. She loved looking down at all the cars and people.
Well, so here's what I learned this week...
Being a parent is hard.
Being a parent with a sick child is hard.
Being a sick parent, with a sick child is really hard.
But still loving life! So glad we're all feeling better.
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