-You set your alarm three hours before you needed to be there.
-You snooze for one hour.
-Toddler wakes up and starts climbing on you.
-You get up and grab a size one diaper, size four diaper, and the wipes.
-Change the baby, who smiles sweetly while you do so.
-Change the toddler, who fights you rolling back and forth.
-Get the baby dressed, the toddler, the preschooler, and yourself.
-Wash your face, throw on some deodorant, and mix some foundation into your moisturizer because, well, that'll do.
-Change another diaper.
-Wait for the oldest to poop. Always wait for the oldest to poop. You don't want to attempt public restrooms with three.
-Refill water bottles.
-Pack up the bag.
-Hunt down and put everyone's shoes on.
-Baby in car seat.
-Repack bag and purse because toddler emptied them in record time while you put baby in car seat.
-Wrestle sticks of gum from toddlers hands that were pulled out of your purse.
-Find preschooler's and toddler's shoes and put them back on again.
-Get everyone excited to follow you out the door.
-Open the door and let the bigs loose.
-Turn to grab your keys from the hook and follow them out the door.
-But the keys are not there.
-Remember husband drove the van last night.
-Hubby is in class. Told you to look in the spot he puts his wallet and keys. The desk hutch.
-Keys not there.
-Hubby has no idea where they could be then.
-Turn the house upside down for 30 minutes while everyone whines because they're hungry, no- HANGRY (angry hungry!!) and breakfast was supposed to be at morning destination. Because, of course, it's grocery day.
-Pray you don't get a plugged duct because even baby's second breakfast was supposed to be given after arriving to play date. And baby girl, Praise The Lord, slept ten hours last night and only needed one of mama's milkies when woke. So... mama is ready for that second breakfast! Ow.
-You snooze for one hour.
-Toddler wakes up and starts climbing on you.
-You get up and grab a size one diaper, size four diaper, and the wipes.
-Change the baby, who smiles sweetly while you do so.
-Change the toddler, who fights you rolling back and forth.
-Get the baby dressed, the toddler, the preschooler, and yourself.
-Wash your face, throw on some deodorant, and mix some foundation into your moisturizer because, well, that'll do.
-Change another diaper.
-Wait for the oldest to poop. Always wait for the oldest to poop. You don't want to attempt public restrooms with three.
-Refill water bottles.
-Pack up the bag.
-Hunt down and put everyone's shoes on.
-Baby in car seat.
-Repack bag and purse because toddler emptied them in record time while you put baby in car seat.
-Wrestle sticks of gum from toddlers hands that were pulled out of your purse.
-Find preschooler's and toddler's shoes and put them back on again.
-Get everyone excited to follow you out the door.
-Open the door and let the bigs loose.
-Turn to grab your keys from the hook and follow them out the door.
-But the keys are not there.
-Remember husband drove the van last night.
-Hubby is in class. Told you to look in the spot he puts his wallet and keys. The desk hutch.
-Keys not there.
-Hubby has no idea where they could be then.
-Turn the house upside down for 30 minutes while everyone whines because they're hungry, no- HANGRY (angry hungry!!) and breakfast was supposed to be at morning destination. Because, of course, it's grocery day.
-Pray you don't get a plugged duct because even baby's second breakfast was supposed to be given after arriving to play date. And baby girl, Praise The Lord, slept ten hours last night and only needed one of mama's milkies when woke. So... mama is ready for that second breakfast! Ow.
-The frustration is setting in.
-Finally, sit on couch to feed baby.
-Mission aborted.
-Cue mommy tears.
-But wait...
-Hubby comes home between classes.
-...And finds keys within 30 seconds of walking through the door.
-In the exact spot he told you to look. Which you did, three times.
-Cue more mommy tears.
-Finish feeding baby.
-Gather the children and gear to head to grocery store.
-Pick up a coffee on the way. *sigh of relief*
-Search for parking spot next to shopping carts.
-Open van to find your toddler asleep.
-Realize this means his nap will be long enough for a second wind and but short enough to put a serious damper on the late afternoon.
-Decide to wake him anyway and stick to the plan. Need food!
-Hubby comes home between classes.
-...And finds keys within 30 seconds of walking through the door.
-In the exact spot he told you to look. Which you did, three times.
-Cue more mommy tears.
-Finish feeding baby.
-Gather the children and gear to head to grocery store.
-Pick up a coffee on the way. *sigh of relief*
-Search for parking spot next to shopping carts.
-Open van to find your toddler asleep.
-Realize this means his nap will be long enough for a second wind and but short enough to put a serious damper on the late afternoon.
-Decide to wake him anyway and stick to the plan. Need food!
-Get baby out of car seat and start putting her in the wrap.
-Hear her choke on some air, let out a burp, and then soak you in spit up.
-Down your shirt.
-Pooling in your shirt.
-Down your pants.
-The van carpet.
-Even hitting the parking lot.
-Then remember you forgot to burp her in your haste to get out the door for the second time. That paired with the giant breakfast she had... No wonder you're drenched.
-Put baby girl back in car seat as she smiles and gives you a "coo."
-Smile back. Sweet little girl.
-You don't mind the, now, cold, wet, stinky spit up. Or the fact that upon placing her back in her seat, your hand squishes in some poop that has escaped from the leg of her diaper.
-Climb back in van and head home. And laugh.
-Genuinely laugh.
-Because now you see the humor.
-This is your life.
-And even when you don't like it, you still love it.
-It's so great.
-Give the kids leftover Chick-fil-a cookies for lunch and turn on a Netflix show.
-Grab the Boppy and the baby (because shes hungry again after loosing her most recent feeding) and sit down to feed her while reflecting on your morning.
-And recover.