Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bitty Baby

While we were in Kansas for Christmas, my cousin gave Sophia her American Girl baby doll, Bitty Baby, and some accessories.

Sophia has always like baby dolls, but she especially likes Bitty Baby. We've been doing lots of diaper changes, feedings, lovings, walks, wrapping in blankies, putting to bed, and just practicing in general for what it'll be like when baby brother is here.

She hasn't really grasped naming her babies or animals yet, so we just call her Bitty Baby. :)

I'm dying. "ohhhhh. ohhhhhhhhh."

"Bitty Baby, you stinky!"

So cute. Glad I caught these on camera. 
Definitely want to remember this sweetness forever. :)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Baby Update- 25 Weeks

Wow. 25 weeks. Time is flying by. And I'm OK with that. :)

-Feeling humongous. I know I say that every update, but seriously, I'm afraid. Pretty sure this was how big I was when I had Sophia at 32 weeks. I'm scared for this full term baby. (Yes, I'm speaking FULL TERM over this baby!)
------OK, here's some proof. My 32 week belly the day before I went into labor with Soph. 
How do I slow this belly down?!
And OK, maybe I did weigh quite a bit less before Sophia's pregnancy than I did before baby brother's pregnancy.

-Weight gain = 9lbs total.
-More energy!
-and less energy... Ha!
-No stretch marks.
-Amazed at how often and strong baby boy kicks.
-Craving breakfast casserole 24/7. Eggs, cheese, sausage, green chilies... nom nom nom.
-Waking up between 3:00-5:00AM to snack, then back to bed.
-Braxton hicks contractions are terrible. Dr says I have an "irritable uterus." Usually 4-6 an hour (sometimes more) unless I'm taking it easy. Doesn't matter how much water I drink or how many relaxing baths I take. Anything from sweeping, to bending over, to not emptying my bladder fast enough, to sitting on the floor with Sophia can set them off for hours. Yeah, not working out for this nesting mama!
-Lots of low ligament pain. Ow.
-Can hardly contain my excitement! I can't wait to meet our baby boy!!

Quote of the week from Aaron:
"Babe. You're really pregnant right now."
He says it as I'm getting dressed, as I'm bending over, as I'm moaning getting up from the floor my belly is poking out of the bath water, with a plate of breakfast casserole sitting on top, fork in hand.... :)

Just for fun! A comparison picture from week 20 to 25. 
Notice the solid V neck trend? Target had them on sale for $6 the other day. I stocked up. Target does it again!

We did have surprise trip to Labor and Delivery the other day. My Braxton Hicks were out of control. Like, 10+ contractions an hour for several hours. All is well though. They weren't long or strong enough to be considered labor contractions, nor was I dialated or effaced. Phew!

We're scheduled for another ultrasound in three weeks to make sure everything is how it's supposed to be since I decided not to do the weekly delalutin injections (help prevent preterm labor). Be praying with us for a healthy, full term pregnancy! :)

Sophia sure is excited, too. Ever since she saw baby brother on the ultrasound she started to understand that there's a baby in mama's belly. Any time we speak of baby bother, she has to love on my belly.

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