Monday, January 20, 2014

Ashley's 25th Birthday

For birthdays, the Reynolds clan has always done dinner, cake, and presents for as long as I can remember. Of course, when we were younger we had parties and friends, too, but I love that we still keep the tradition of getting together on birthdays. Even if it is last minute and only for a short while. :)

Mom, dad, Micah-Ray, Jordan, Logan, and Arielle came over for pizza, salads, and cheesecake. Ok, and chocolate pie...! :) Even though I am 25, I still enjoy my parents lighting the cake, and family singing happy birthday. 

Mom also brought over Micah-Ray's old baby clothes, and my box of childhood pictures. We had a great time eating and reminiscing. I also got some pretty great gifts! Using one right now. My new iPhone 5C. 

A few months ago I shattered my iPhone 4 screen and my phone stopped working. So I've been in the stone ages with a flip phone for quite some time. At first I thought it was terrible! But after a while I realized how "freeing" it was. If I needed to talk to someone, I usually called since texting was so hard. My phone was never a distraction because I couldn't do anything on it. You never realize how much a time a smart phone steals until you no longer have one to use. Or until you see everyone else on theirs while you twirl your thumbs. Special moments were just that. A special moment. No snapping endless pictures of things that didn't matter, because there's no camera or way to record that it happened. Heck, I even used a real map a few times in the car! Now that I think about it, it was a very nice and much needed break. But I am ready to rejoin the smart phone world and get back in on the family group messages without receiving 24 messages within a 5 minute span. ;)

Everyone's gifts had me boo-hooing. Especially Micah-Ray's card. 

I sure so love my family. :) 

Goodbye, flip phone!
"You loved me and gave care to me." Oh my gosh. I had to take a 5 minute break after reading the first line because I couldn't get it together. I have everyone else crying, too! Partly because they were laughing at me.... Ha. Micah-Ray is so sweet. 
Jordan also drew this picture of him and Sophia sitting on dad's back porch just yesterday. I LOVE gifts like this! 
Clothes for baby brother. 
Trying out the new phone. 

Happy birthday to me!

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