Not much has been going on around here lately... Just our slow, everyday life.
And I love it.
Lately, I've been feeling so thankful to get to be at home with Soph. :)
Snack time.
Box time.
Necklace time.
Necklace time.
Color time.
Lights time.
Fun time.
Packing peanuts time!
Sleepy grocery shopping time.
Not-so-sleepy grocery shopping time.
Purse time.
Outdoor fun time.
Take-everything-out-of-the-cabinets time.
Eat dirt time.
Two minute hand wash turned into 45 minute play-in-the-sink time.
And a little bit of dance time.
First hair cut time! (Couldn't get her to stay still for an "after" picture.)
Talking on the phone time. (She's actually talking on her iPod.)
She does this all the time! She "talks" so much, and usually very loud! It's hilarious. I wish I knew what she thinks when she talks.
We've been signing for months, but I just now got in on camera. They're a bit Sophie-fied, but they're pretty close to the actual sign.
She definitely knows what and when to say "I love you" but can't seem to get her middle/ring fingers down, and pointer/pinkie up. Won't be long though!
It's been really cool to watch her communicate through signing since she can't say the words yet. Although, she is attempting to say some of them now. She also signs diaper, but has yet to tell me when she needs it changed, and we've been working on "share" the last few days.